About Us


A grand welcome to thebrainymind.com … I am glad you are here.

I am Jayeeta, a psychologist, mother of a two-year-old daughter and a nuevo blogger.

My child is a pandemic baby. Born during the peak of Covid, she had hardly any interactions with the outer world.

To make her have some connect with the world, I brought in flashcards — following Doman, Shichida, Heguru methods. I bought some cards. but hit a wall with the lack of variety. I started creating my own cards, focussing on multilingual flashcards.

That inspired me to develop this site for all. You will find some of my initial cards as well as the new ones along with many activity kits. More are in the making.

Hope my site provides help to you. It is very young. So, would really appreciate if you could share the site link on your social networks and among friends and family.

Hope from my heart that this site helps you!

Hello there!

I'm Sanjay, a journalist with a heart for creativity.

Throughout my fulfilling 23-year journey in journalism, I've had the incredible opportunity to work with respected newspapers and publications. Through this journey, I have come to realize what truly matters in life, a revelation that echoes through our role as parents.

And so, The Brainy Mind was born. It's not just some website or just an Etsy shop; it's our heartfelt endeavour to give back to the world. This project is like our little baby, nurtured with love and care. We hope that it finds a special place in your hearts too.

With The Brainy Mind, we want to create a space of learning and sharing, where we can pass on the knowledge we've gained to others. It's a journey we're embarking on with excitement and hope, and we can't wait to see it blossom with the love and support of a wonderful community – like you.

Let's build a place where creativity and curiosity thrive, and where we can all learn and grow together.

Thank you for joining us on this beautiful adventure!